D-Dragon's Border Collie Kennel

Annyeong Haseyo~~
Annyeong Haseyo! Thanks so much on taking some of your time out of your schedule to read about me. ^^ I'm just someone - a very unique someone, though - who likes K-pop. Totally into music. I like BIGBANG and EXO. I'm madly in love with K-pop and then of course over-obsessed with BigBang. My favorite artiste is G-Dragon. BTW, Aspen (#1200055) is my super BFF in RL. Then if course I'm one of a kind in my school. I'm somewhat too stubbornnnnnnnnnnnnn~ Ok, you win. I'm extreamly stubborn. Let me tell you more about me:
You know this already - I'm extreamly stubborn. Also I'm a little - just a teeny weeny bit - childish. I'm a tomboy - ask Aspen (#1200055) if you don't believe me. I watch Korean drama, so I'm pretty much too Korean dramatic sometimes... XD. I like to watch Korean variety shows too - Imitate Note, Infinite Challenge, Running Man, and so on.
I like to joke around all the time. However, my friends always think that I'm seriously and take it for real and just dump me. Sad, right? Not to worry, you can be that unique friend of mine - just send me a friend request, I'll accept it. And most definitely I'll cookie you whenever I can. I know a person who's famous, and totally identical compared to me.
Wait a second, I'm not joking here. You might know him. Hints:
~ He is born on 4th November 1987
~ He has a more deeper voice compared to normal guys (that already gone through puberty)
~ He is Korean
~ His blood type is 'B'
~ He wears specs
Wwwwwwait, you don't know the answer? *Facepalms* He is nine other than T.O.P of BIGBANG! So sad if you didn't know the answer - he is just basically so charismatic! This is not nonsense I swear.
I like answering _____ types of questions:
~ What is your favorite band
That's all. I'm not Korean, I speak Korean a lot. Especially Korean slangs. Some people do ask me: 'Hey, girl girl, are you nätive?' Then of course I say no. *laughs once* Of course I not! But I think BIGBANG is daebak. What? Oh, you don't understand what is daebak? It means success/awesome/cool. But in my case it's awesome/cool. Let me tell you one thing: "My dark eye circles are my charisma." -D-Dragon // Bad Boy (#1169998)
Yes! Even though I'm a girl, I'm a tomboy. And I like people calling me 'Bad Boy'. Inspired from BIGBANG's 'Bad Boy'. Ohhh, you want to know more? Send me a friend request and a message - but shh - I'm taking you to a secret world of mine... But if course you can go out and come back later...
April 13, 2014. 18:26
"When I say 'somebody' you say," -G-Dragon
"To, to love!" -Bigbang
Posted by-
D-Dragon // Bad Boy

Se7en: I'm not snatching TOP..!
GD: Ya! Stop snatching TOP!
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Shut up, hyung. I believe 7 is telling the truth...
TOP: it's because, bad boy, you're being snatched by Se7en hyung too.
GD: You two shut up!
Daesung: Hyung, be nice to Maknae! You know what you do can hurt Maknae?
Seungri: Where is Young bae?
Seungri: Anyone saw him?
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): JiYong hyung, it hurts.
GD: Do you need to slap hyung for what hyung done?
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): I can't. YG Appa will know.
Taeyang: Ah, Seungri, I'm watching. JiYong dongsaeng ah, you need to be nicer to Maknae. You know.
Se7en: Seriously GD.
Daesung: Stop it guys.
Daesung: It might have a long effect on our Maknae who'll be staying here with us for a few years.
Daesung: I seriously don't know how Maknae injured his right hand.
Taeyang: Not sure either, but have to make sure
Taeyang: He doesn't move his right hand.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Guys stop keeping such a watch on me, I know I'm __ and you're 25~28.
Seungri: Ya! Dongsaeng, you're 14 years younger than me.
Seungri: So I have to keep watch on you. We promised your parents.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): I don't have parents! *Frown*
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): I don't like my parents.
TOP: Bad Boy, stop cuddling into the far corner of the room with GD's Teddy bear. Come here now.
GD: Don't force hm to feed if he doesn't want to.
Daesung: Guys.
Daesung: You're spoliting him.
Se7en: Say I'm sorry to him for being rough yesterday.
Se7en: Also that I didn't let him cuddle in my arms.
Seungri: Hyung, I could've done a better job.
Taeyang: Don't brag, dongsaeng ah.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Ya! Se7en! Like I'll ever forgive you.
TOP: Be good, come here and let me bottle feed you.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): NOPE!
GD: Apologize now. I mean it.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Sorry TOP hyung.
TOP: You can speak English well, can't you. I'll teach you Korean if you come.
TOP: I'll treat you to chocolate ice cream. Oh sorry for just now - actually Tabi will just work.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Really? It's hard typing with my left hand, being right-handed.
Seungri: Everything fine there?
Daesung: Everything fine there?
Taeyang: Everything fine there?
TOP: Yes. He's being bottle-fed now. He's finally putting down the laptop.
GD: Good. I've been told that if he spends more time online, he's going to get short-sighted.
TOP: He's complaining to me everything is so blur.
Taeyang: Aaaaaaah... We're going out with disguises?
GD: Yes. I don't care. His health comes first.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Am I going to wear a disguise?
GD: Yes. Everyone knows you're with us.
TOP: Lets go out. Now.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Wait!
Taeyang: Shoot it.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Can I have light blue specs like TOP?
GD: Sure

Game Time

06:45pm on Mar 3

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