Welcome to Salt Life Kennels! Founded in 2008, Salt Life has been known by a variety of names and breed specialties, but ultimately devoted to one thing: breeding and raising top-quality dogs.
Currently, We are focused on raising the best Labrador Retrievers and Bulldogs on FP. Because Salt Life strives for quality over quantity, all dogs are kept up-to-date with food, accessories, and training. Any dog that doesn't attain a minimum of level 20 is not bred unless it has particularly notable color or health genetics. At present, Labradors are being bred primarily for level, with health genetics and color as secondary attributes. Eventually, I hope to have a line of entirely chocolate and yellow Labradors, but that is taking a backseat to having high-leveled dogs.
No breeding requests from dogs under level 20 will be accepted, period. Females are not leased out unless I know the player requesting the breeding and/or have dealt with them before.
Stud fees will be calculated using the following formula:
(LVL x $1,000) + (# of Ex. x $5,000) = Total stud fee
In order to have your breeding request to a male accepted, you must have your entire kennel cared for and shown properly, including proper equipment and feed. I do not accept breeding requests from dogs under level 20, and I do kennel checks for the following things:
-How many of the breed do you have?
-Are they leveled?
-At what level are dogs in your kennel bred?
I don't accept bids/requests from players who breed below level 15.