The Overlord 0f all Space & Time's kennel

Go jump in a well and EAT PIE THERE!!! Oh, and I like selling Lacrima premium with lamb. I get ticked when other people sell it. So DON'T!!!!!!!!(please)!!!!!!!Oh, and have a nice day :) (: :P Society sucks right now. I'm not talking about all of the violence and people killing other people, because that's all aweful too, I'm talking more small scale. I have found that people, whether on the internet or in person, suck. Don't take this offensively, not everyone does. Furry Paws is one of those all too few sites where people actually try to think about other people's feelings. Well, for the most part anyway, but that's besides the point. The problem isn't society not focusing their intelligence, it's just that it lacks the ability to think as a whole.
  • Also, I SO wish I could post my opinions about personal topics on here, but society sucks, and so do most people, so I can't. I would have people spreading rumors and spamming me hate mail if I said how I truely felt about a very touchy subject. Seriously. You. People. Would never. Forgive me. I'd probably be banned from the site, and you'd stop donating to MORF all because one person couldn't handle a difference of opinion. And you know what the real problem is? It's that so many people DO post their opinions on here. Any you guys let them because you agree with them! If they posted the opposite of what you thought, you'd light your torches and run them out of town. I respect you people. I honestly do. I have gotten so used to people hating me for my opinion, that I have seriously gotten used to you guys having yours. I don't send you hate mail for disagreeing with me. It would take way to long to message all of that hate mail anyway. Seriously, like everyone everywhere agrees with this subject. I don't judge you for your life choices, or your opinions or anything else. I honestly don't. Is it seriously that hard to do the same to me?
Please donate to the Making The Overlord Rich Foundation. All proceeds go towards making The Overlord rich. Our foundation accepts FPD, FPP, items, dogs, etc. Any and all funds are accepted. Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Making The Overlord Rich Foundation! Here's a big shout out to all my gorgeous donators! Lena Keyser For a long list of pricey items that was really long and I really don't feel like typing right now. She donated a lot though, thank you!Holy Crap! KPNK - selling ^ puppies UASB (#1087288) donated 500,000! That's 500k! Five hundred FREAKING thousand! You... words can't describe you. No amount of letters strung together can express you're level of awesomeness. Rock on man, rock on. Muttsrule123 who donated $10,000Toralas who donated $33,333Mayana for her 1 Ancient Fang, 10 Antler Chews, 4 Blue Puzzleboxes, 5 Green Combs, 1 Pink Dog Bed, 1 Sturdy Frisbee, 1 Sturdy Plushie Hippo, 1x Sturdy Rubber Ball, 1 Sturdy Squeaky Shark, 1 Sturdy Tug Rope, and 1 Sturdy Tugtoy (wow that's a tough of typing. Thank you so much for all of this! All of you are amazing!)And the absotastically (totally a word) radical BUBBLES who donated $100! Every buck counts people! Okay, so there were more people who donated, but I really hate putting in all of that coding stuff. More of my donators are mentioned in my clinic. Thank you to everyone!

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06:00pm on Mar 9

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