
  1. Female
  2. 17 years old
  3. Arkansas, USA
  4. Senior!
  5. Friends, photography, dogs, my boyfriend, sleeping, FP!

Heya, so there's not much to say right now. I used to play on here awhile back and now, well, I'm back with a fresh new account. :) I'm specialising in Shiba Inu's for right now, and eventually I'll introduce some new breeds. I love Shiba's and hope to finally own one in real life in a year or two.

I'm a pretty decent breeder I think, I'm starting with fresh lines and of course in the future I plan to have some quality dogs. I don't start breeding until level 10, and I'm going to be doing a lot of breeding right now so I can have plenty of gene pools to work with, and hopefully in the future I can expand my gene pools to new owners so that people get quality dogs from me! Breeding and whatnot will be stricter once this is accomplished, but for right now I'm building up to that.

And in case you didn't want to read all that..

  1. I don't breed until level 10 and above
  2. I enter dogs in max shows every day
  3. I take care of dogs daily
  4. I strive to breed dogs with 24HH and lala genes

As of right now there are NO dogs for sale.

Game Time

09:22pm on Mar 6

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