Clearkreek Training Kennels

Hey there, welcome to Cleakreek Kennel's Training Facility. We are a new kennel at the moment, but we're working on leveling up to provide the community with new bloodlines of Australian Cattle Dogs and Miniature Australian Shepherds.

Heelers - Agi/Int/Spd/Stm - 76 active - highest level 67

Dusty - GGGG - agi/int - PURPLE - plush llama
Blur - XGGG - agi/int - PURPLE - plush llama
Spinner - GXGG - agi only - BLUE - plush llama
Possum - GGXX - agi/int - BLUE - rubber ducky
Illusion - XXGX - stm only - GREEN - red tugtoy

Borzoi - Agi/Cha/Spd/Stm - 77 active - highest level 68

Dryft - GXGG - spd/stm - YELLOW - blue ball
Zayford - GGGG - spd only - YELLOW - green frisbee
Gerard - GGGX - spd only - YELLOW - red tugtoy

Mini Aussies - Agi/Int/Spd/Stm - 67 active - highest level 64

Foxy - GFXG - agi/spd - BLUE - blue ball

Game Time

05:56pm on Feb 14

Welcome Guest

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