Evelyn's Kennel-Cats, German Shepherds and Korean Jindos.:)

Hi! My kennel isn't big because I'm inactive! Sorry 'bout that!!!!!! •I love cats and dogs •I'm 15 •I love chocolate!!! •inactive :c •I play Egg Cave: Kittycools •My username here is Kittyluvscats, my name is Evelyn. Bai! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEMI-QUIT: Semi-quit. This game just isn't very fun. I'm really sorry. It's just, I can't do ANYTHING! I don't get it. It's too hard and too stressing. I'm just a nobody anyways. Next time, You should NEVER have someone quit of boredom. I will only be on for dog care. Not for this game. This is goodbye! Nobody knew me anyways!

Game Time

08:16pm on Mar 16

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