Vortex Kennel

Yeah, so I'm back. Or working on it, anyways.

Hi, I'm Tilani! I used to specialize in Chinese Sharpeis, and a few other ones that caught my eye but I wound up locking everything and poofed for....a really long time. I'm going to be planning on getting back into the swing of things (probably) and will be picking up my breeding projects again, after I remember how everything works.

There will probably be some changes to this now that I went elite and will be working on revamping everything slowly. So pardon the ugliness and all that until then!

My Shar Peis will have their names inspired by Doctor Who. Our Cane Corsos will be inspired by Star Trek's Vulcan names. Our AWSes will have a name theme of Shakespearean titles, while our Koolies will be named after astronomy. I will be keeping this name theme going....but it's also a maybe. My Mudis are after BTS songs....now I just need one for the line of GSDs I'm starting, lol.

I tend to negotiable on almost everything so if you want to breed to one of my dogs or want a puppy or anything and want to discuss price, just reach out! I'm nice, if quiet, and don't bite. I'm really just here to have a good time, honestly. I do offer up pups I don't want to keep to be reserved with my prefix with final decision on their fifth day and I just ask that if you do want one, to just offer a fair price for the dog.

As a final note, for my dogs that are locked, if you request a breeding to one, I unlock them immediately upon acceptance and will usually leave them unlocked about 24 hours or until the next day and then they will be re-locked even if you haven't bred to them yet. If that happens, you'll need to message me to see if I will unlock them again and I will then let you know if I'm willing to and then it will be another 24 hours or so. I do this because I lock at 101 days and I tend to have plans in advance for them for my own breeding plans.

Game Time

09:18am on Mar 1

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