Fantastic Dogs and Where to Find Them

welcome to dauntless!

whalecome to my kennel!
its not much but i'm quite happy with them. if you
want to request breeding that doesn't accept breeds
for now, just go on and shoot me a pm! same with
if you want to buy the dogs! hopefully sometime
soon i'll be taking services but for now, i guess i'll
just go with the flow.

about myself. well, like the about in the "owner" page
i'm just really a teenage girl who just likes to enjoy
life and whatnot. i'm also a directioner i'd end
up fangirling about them every single day
. aandd
i love writing. like, writing stories and roleplaying but
i suck big time at poems and songs and such.

i also love dogs [obviously]. i've found them adorable
since i was a kid and i haven't stopped loving them.
i currently own two shih-tzus and a beagle and i love
them to bits!

and lastly, my character site 's link can be found over
here!. feel free to message me about anything! i love
having to talk to someone c:

--------------------------OTHERS :D ----------------------------

-- 280k // 1 Million
-- 0 FPP // 40 FPP

character notes // to-do-list ! c:
-- make art for charries? c:

notes ?!

Game Time

12:55pm on Mar 19

Welcome Guest

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