¥»Happily Afgen Ever«¥

Hi Eveyone, Im _Wolfycx_, And I like warm hugs! (Frozen moment) Anyway, I am currently breeding Afgan Hounds and Affen pinshers. All pinshers will be LOCKED while Hounds can live their life freely. (Donations will be put in my Happy memories and greatly appreciated!) If you would like to Purchase/Offer one of my dogs, I humbly ask that you contact me first, this way I can keep up with my dogs better. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please take this time to read a short passage on my support of standing up to dog abuse: 96% of dogs are left in boxes, or kennles, sometimes houses..You wouldn't like it if someone made you fight another human for money...97% of men will get aggressive dogs for illegal Dog Fights. All dogs have a voice, they just don't know how to speak..All dogs have feelings, they just cant cry out forl help. You can be their voice. Help stop Dog Abuse. Visit your local pet shelter and do something to help these amazing companions, because once something this enjoyable goes away..Nothing can replace it. Thank you!! * °w°*

Game Time

03:55am on Mar 23

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