New Hope Rescue Center

heart New Hope Rescue Center heart


About Us

The New Hope Rescue Center (prefix NHRC) is a non-profit organization here

on Furry Paws that was founded by me, Ally, in June of 2014. I currently am in charge

of the dogs, finances, the shop, competitions, advertizing, adoptions, donations, special

programs, and more! Our mission is to rescue unwanted or uncared-for dogs and find

them loving homes. I say "our" because there are hundreds of other players that have

made the shelter possible. I couldn't have done any of this without you guys! *blows kiss*



Dog Care

Here at the NHRC, the life of a dog is treasured and respected. Even though they are made of

pixels, the online treatment of a dog often reflects the player's treatment of his/her own dog

in real life. We strive to set an example for the correct treatment of online dogs AND

real dogs. Our care includes the providing of water, food, toys, chews, leashes, collars, as well

as proper cleansing, training, and showing to every rescue dog. We will never lock a dog 

unless vacations, health, or emergencies require us to do so. The colors/flavors of leashes, collars,

and food are determined by the dogs needed stats to succeed in his/her sport. Untrained dogs

are trained by us to their recommendations and aptitude. Dogs at the NHRC are not bred.



Adoption Process

1) Bid on any amount of dogs you wish. All bids are started at zero dollars.

2) We will preform a kennel check to ensure you are what we are looking for in a 

rescue owner. This typically means that you care for every dog fully everyday, retire

at an acceptable age, and don't overbreed or sell over 3/4 of your dogs. It's no big

deal, I promise! :)

3) If you pass this check, we will send you a little list of questions to confirm

you are ready for the adoption. These will be similar to the values we put on

the kennel check, but more in depth. Once again, no big deal! :)

4) If we are satisfied with your answers, we will send the dog to you along with

five chews, two Lacrima bags, and a special bonus item. If you are level 5 or 

under, you will also receive 2000 FPD.

When it comes to adoption, first come first serve- no matter the bid.



Available Breeds


Ainu Dog


Alaskan Klee Kai

American Cocker Spaniel

American Pitt Bull Terrier

Australian Koolie

Australian Shepherd

Belgian Tervuren

Black and Tan Coonhound

Border Coolie

Bouvier des Flandres



Cane Corso

Caucasian Otvacharka

Chesapeake Bay Retriever



Croatian Sheepdog


Doberman Pinscher

Dutch Smoushond

English Springer Spaniel

Finnish Lapphund

German Shepherd Dog

Great Dane

Icelandic Sheepdog

Irish Water Spaniel

Italian Greyhound


Korean Jindo

Labrador Retriever


Norwegian Elkhound





Rat Terrier

Rhodesian Ridgeback


Saarloos Wolfhound


Shiba Inu

Swedish Vallhund

Tibetan Mastiff

Toy Poodle





Surrendering a Dog

Do you have a dog that you cannot care for anymore or can't afford to 

keep? Don't wait one more minute. Surrender your dog to the NHRC and

we will take absolutely phenominal care of it. All it takes is a transfer request*

and we will open our arms and welcome in your sweet dog for free. That's

right. Unlike the Humane Society or public sales, we will provide your dog(s)

with a forever home for zero FPD. Please do not hesitate. Save your dog's life.

*If you are planning to surrender ten or more dogs, message me first for special instruction.




We love our fosters! With an average of about 10-20 new dogs entering the

center each day, we can reach up to 100 new dogs each week! With

limited space in my kennel, things can be difficult. Fosters have saved me

in so many ways. We have over 250 dogs participating in the rescue 

program and counting! If you are interested in fostering, message me

and I'll give you all of the information that you need along with a few small

interview questions. Here are our current active foster parents:

Anna Marie (#1186836)

Okurin (#1169889)

Katcat335 (#1043794)

Please purchase some foster doggies!



Rescue Aid Program

Recently, many wonderful rescues have joined the Furry Paws community. This

program is dedicated to providing a bit of extra help to rescues levels 4-11. Just

message me to see if you qualify, and then we will provide you with these benefits:

Starter Kit

30 chews

15 dog beds

30 dog bowls

12 Lacrima food bags

7 sturdy toys (one of each)

And a gift of up to 20,000 FPD.

After the starter kit is received, you will recieve a gift of 15,000 FPD per week for three 

months, along with two new dogs to care for each week. I will also give you multiple tips

on the succesful running of a rescue organization.



Financial Aid Program

Coming soon! Message me for information.



The New Hope Rescue Shop

We currently have an offical rescue shop, the NHRS. Here, you can contribute to the

well-being of our dogs through a simple purchase! All profit made in this shop goes

directly to the payment for competitions and training of our rescues. Please stop by,

for we often have the cheapest items in the entire mall! Happy shopping :)




The NHRC would be nowhere without our wonderful sponsors. All

donated money (no matter how much) will go to an amazing cause. Thank

you so much for your contributions, everyone. Without you, I'd be nowhere.



Happiness at the NHRC

"I really admire what you're doing, trying to rescue dogs." 

- (#1174321),  friendly adoptee

"I haven't really found a rescue that consitently shows its rescue dogs. That is,

until I saw YOUR kennel. I stumbled upon your post about your rescue, and

I was really impressed by how you run your rescue. And I admired you even

more because not only do you show your rescues, but I've also read about your

program to help other rescues.What you do takes dedication. And you've

brought back my hope for "rescuing" here on FP."

- (#627897), generous, friendly player

"It seems that at the moment there is only two decent rescues out there and

yours is definitely one of them."

- (#11944), generous, friendly player

"I've looked at a lot of rescue places since since I started and I like yours a lot

since you don't lock the dogs, I like the way you give daily updates on what you

have and that you were going away, that impressed me. I put a bid on a dog

in one center and I still haven't heard back about it, that is a really nice dog

and I could have done something for her but she's still sitting there locked in

someone's kennel."

- (#1170116), generous, friendly player



Thanks again for everything. I love you guys so much.










Game Time

12:25pm on Mar 14

Welcome Guest

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