Cranes Kennels

I am a girl who loves dogs and any good game.My kennel specializes in papillons. I have 36 of them,and some of them are bred by me. I don't currently have any litters, so sorry.And I love to play FP so much its so fun even better than any other virtual dog game I've ever played before,even the ones where you can move your dogs to bed to the kitchen etc.I am amazed by that + there's no money no level everything's free. I personally think that's awesome (for a while) but it makes you used to everything's free, and then when it isn't in real life or in other games you're surprised and not prepared for the cost of food or even just a bill. That is why i would recommend not playing those games if you are looking for more than 1 virtual pet game I would recommend beastkeeper. It is a fun game where you can raise unicorns, griffons, and other magical creatures.This is enough for now and if you have questions please feel free to message me. Bye!

Game Time

10:07pm on Mar 6

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