Stormy Nights Kennels + Rescue


Stormy’s Rescue

Stormy's Rescues was founded by me (Stormy) as a place where my rescues can be housed separately from my main account, as they were starting to overwhelm my one account. Since then things have changed and now this account also holds my personal dogs as well. If you are in doubt about which kennel contains rescues, my rescue kennels are at the top of my kennel map, whereas my personal dogs are kept in kennels at the bottom. Both kennel types are separated by training areas so should be easy to distinguish.

How The Rescue Works
This rescue is none profit, all dogs cost $500, its your decision to pay more, though donations aren't really needed anymore. I often pay between $500 and $5,000 for the dogs in my care. I try not to purchase dogs, however I cannot ignore a poorly cared for dog. The majority are from the Humane Society or surrendered by their owners for adoption.
Newly rescued dogs are locked while they wait to be processed, any dogs being processed can be found in the "Processing + Pending Bids" Kennel, they will always be unlocked whereas pending bids are unlocked. When I am busy and so processing may take up to a week, if you see a dog that you are interested in, inside the processing kennel, send me a message and I will go through adoption procedures with you there and then.
Locked dogs may not be cared for immediately! Depending on how much time I have available to me, they may look dirty and uncared for.
Before sending you a message I will look through your account, I will make sure you are looking after your dogs, that you aren't buying cheap dogs and selling for profit and that you have a mixed age range of dogs. I am not strict so don't feel too worried about this ;)
I offer money for any of my rescue's return. Returned dogs will then be kept until they retire in my "Retirees" Kennel, they will never be resold or used for breeding.
When you bid on a dog I will send you a list of questions for you to answer, just to confirm any nervousness and make you aware that I will take the dog back if you feel you cant care for it. I will also use your answers if I feel that my dogs haven't been cared for properly and you bid on more of my rescues, just as evidence that the dogs were supposed to be cared for and were not. Again im not strict on this so please don't worry, I've only ever had to say no to someone once.
Whoever bids on the dog gets the dog (depending on the kennel check) no matter how much you offer for the dog, if someone bids first they get first dibs. I give four days to everyone I message to answer the questions I send, if they are not answered by then I move on to the next bidder. If I do not message it is likely that I have either forgotten ( I am only human) or there is someone ahead of you in the queue, I will not message you to tell you this as occasionally bids will fall through and everything gets confusing. Again if you are bothered or concerned message me.

I would like to highlight that my questions are questions and not rules, I am aware that I have no control over what you do with the dogs I adopt out once they are sold and I wouldn't have it any other way c: I may give some friendly advice if you are unsure on how to answer but that is as much as I will do. This is a free fun game and you have the freedom to play as you want to, as do I. I also have the right to reject or ignore bids, as does everyone else on this game.

Surrendering + Returning

I do accept surrenders for NO FEE. If you feel you cant care for a dog or you just don't want it, I would rather it was transferred to us than abandoned and sold to a fake "rescuer".
Of course I do not pay for surrendered or returned dogs.
All dogs surrendered are put up for adoption however if it is your wish that the dogs aren't sold I can do this, within reason. I cannot take in 50 dogs and promise not to find them new homes, I need the space, however I may be able to do this for one dog.
I do not hold it against you for surrendering or returning a dog so please do not be embarrassed to send us a transfer.
Returned dogs will never be resold.
To surrender or return a dog send a transfer to #1226239, you do not have to message me unless you have specific requests.


Please Don't donate, Stormy's Rescue is doing really well financially without donations, other rescues would appreciate your support so much more <3

If you want to speak to me, my main account number is #1221645 or feel free to use the link at the top of the page.

Thank you for reading c;

Stormy Nights Kennels

Hello, my name is Storm, recently I have merged my two accounts to spread my breeding projects across them both, this is my 2nd account (you can find my main account here.). I have made the big decision to split my breeding projects A) for space B) for stat biasing. This account specialises in intelligence training dogs, all the training areas are biased to intelligence and all my dogs will be bred to have intx4 stats, whereas on my main account all my dogs specialise in strength training. My Lapphunds especially deserve the best training and really it was their needs that made me decide to move them.

On this account I breed Drover, Hunting/Scent hound, Terrier and Versatile breed groups (find a specific list below) however only a few I class as specialties due to quality and numbers. On this account I breed my favourite breed, the Finnish Lapphund, they are some of my best dogs on FP and out match even my mastiffs on my main account.

In the past this account has been used as a rescue and although reduced my rescue is still active so please look to the left for details on Stormy's Rescue.


I've Got Quality Finnish Lapphunds on I've Got Quality Dandie Dinmont Terriers on I've Got Quality Miniature Schnauzers on

Breeding Projects

Australian Shepherd
Basset Hound
Bedlington Terrier
Black Mouth Cur
Border Collie Blues
Brussels Griffon
Cane Corso
Catahoula Leopard Dog
Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Specialty
Dogo Argentino
Dutch Smoushond
Finnish Lapphund - Specialty
Great Dane
Karelian Bear Dog
Lapponian Herder
Miniature Schnauzer - Specialty
Norfolk Terrier
Swedish Vallhund
Welsh Terrier
West Highland White Terrier

About Me

Name: Storm
Kennel Name: Stormy Nights Kennel
Age: 20 (10 at heart)
Country: England (So that’s 6 hours ahead of FP Time)
Feeling:Tentatively happy.

Favourite Breed of Dog: Finnish Lapphund
Favourite Breed of Cat: Chinchilla Persian
Favourite Band: Linkin Park (my first love, RIP Chester the world isn't the same without you) Twenty One Pilots (my newest love)
Favourite Tv Shows: GoT!
Favourite Movies: Wreck It Ralph! Avatar, Harry Potter Series (couldn't pick a favourite)
Favourite Books: Harry Potter (All), The Heralds of Valdemar (18+), GoT!

Loves: Springtime, Spicey food, Monster, Pepsi Max, the Quiet Life c:
Dislikes: Spiders! Haters, Vanity, Vegetables D:<, Exercise O:<, Winter Dx<

Pets: Meg – Calico Moggie – Age: 3 years
Fergus – Chocolate Tuxedo Moggie – Age: 1 year
Percy – Chocolate Tuxedo Moggie – Age: 1 year
Onni – Black and Tan Finnish Lapphund – Age: 8 months

October 2017 Achievements

Won Best of Sport in Obedience with STRMY Nights Shining Paladin 'Finley'

Won Best of Breed for the Finnish Lapphund STRMY Rakkaani Onnentuoja 'Onni' , Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina' , Australian Shepherd STRMY Nights Rumble of Speed 'Annice' and Cane Corso STRMY Nights Malevolent Radiance 'Petrona'

Won Best of Breed for the Finnish Lapphund STRMY Rakkaani Onnentuoja 'Onni' , Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina' and Cane Corso STRMY Nights Malevolent Hope 'Rocío'

Won Best of Breed for the Finnish Lapphund STRMY Rakkaani Onnentuoja 'Onni' , Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina' , Australian Shepherd STRMY Nights Rumble of Speed 'Annice' and Cane Corso STRMY Nights Malevolent Hope 'Rocío'

Won Best of Breed for the Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina' , Australian Shepherd STRMY Nights Rumble of Speed 'Annice' and Cane Corso STRMY Nights Malevolent Hope 'Rocío'

Won Best of Breed for the Finnish Lapphund STRMY Rakkaani Onnentuoja 'Onni' , Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina' and Australian Shepherd STRMY Nights Rumble of Speed 'Annice'

Won Best of Breed for the Finnish Lapphund STRMY Rakkaani Onnentuoja 'Onni' , Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina' and

Won Best of Breed for the Finnish Lapphund STRMY Rakkaani Onnentuoja 'Onni' , Dandie Dinmont Terrier STRMY Nights Shining Guardian 'Kenina'




Game Time

06:26pm on Mar 31

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