Lazarus Versatile Breeder & Rescue


Lazarus Rescue Center

At the LRC I strive to give dogs on FP a second chance. Whether it's old dogs, abused dogs, owner surrenders, or just dogs with bad genetics. Our goal is to make a difference in their life and stop premature retiring. All of our rescued dogs are trained daily as well as fed food that is good for their sport.

There are a few types of dogs we care for: those with the HSRescue prefix are, as the name states, Humane Society rescues. HSRescues are the highest priority dog to get back out and into a new owner as they're all fairly young. The prefix OS means it was an Owner Surrender. We get these in when owners can no longer take care of a dog, or can't find a buyer. Most of these dogs get adopted out but it can take a while because most are fairly old. The plain-old prefix 'rescue' is just a dog that was scoped out in the sales as being neglected (less than 51% comfort, lack of grooming, lack of happiness) and bought off the owner for (hopefully) a small fee.

If you have dog you want to surrender, please shoot me a message and just simply say 'I have xxx dog on reserve for you to rescue.' and I'll come by and pick it up, for a reasonable price! I won't take a dog to 'rescue' if it's 50k. OCCASIONALLY I will take dogs that are 10-15k because they are high in HH's and have a high adoption value.

We're always looking for donations of any kind to help the rescue, if you'd like to donate, please shoot me a message with the attached items. Thank you~

How to Adopt

To adopt one of our pups, please make sure to have the following qualities:
-> All dogs are fully taken care of.
-> Less than 5% of your retired dogs are early-retires.
-> No overcrowding of kennels, centers with more than 300 dogs will be automatically denied.

After that's all checked out, put in a request to purchase the dog on the dog's page. Although it's not required, offering more than 600FPD is appreciated, as that is the fee for adoption of the Humane Society plus covers some of the accessories and boarding.

Terms of a Sale (Not adoption)

To purchase one of my dogs, please do not
-> Resell the dog at a higher price.
-> Neglect the dog at a future time (I do check back in on dogs sold!)

-> Retire the dog before 100 days.

If any of these terms are violated, you will be blacklisted from my sales and blocked through messaging.

Thank you's

The following users have donated to my rescue!

Abby #1268526
Abby's Shop

About Me

Clicky for my Lioden!
My name's Kate, I'm a twenty-two old 'entrepreneur' from Pennsylvania. I have two degrees in Psychology but I'm not too sure where I'm going now. People interest me. I have pretty bad social anxiety as well as depression.. If I don't respond to a message, I apologize in advance! I sometimes get in moods where I just don't want to bother talking to someone and kinda fold in on myself. I work as a pet care provider, essentially travelling to people's houses and taking care of their various animals each day! I live in my own apartment with my wonderful boyfriend and three kitties. I've been horseback riding since I was six, I play a lot of videogames, though less as of late, and I watch a lot of House, Reign, and iZombie. Don't be afraid to shoot me a message, I don't bite. If it concerns you, if you're under eighteen years of age, please get your parent's permission to talk with me.

What I Breed

Honestly I have no idea, I'm back from a very long hiatus.

Bad-Gene Project & Retirement

I take dogs with over 10hh's under my wing. Now, for most of these dogs they aren't bred unless they have many more HH's, but often that's not the case. These dogs stay with me until they automatically retire, no matter how young they are when they were acquired.

I host dogs who are 80+ days until they are 101 days and automatically retire. If you have a dog you need to get rid of who's 70 days old or more, please send them over! I will keep them happy and healthy until they retire.

No-Sell List

(12/11/2014) debby (#1238055) ~ buying a dog to resell it.
(11/05/2015) jalynn (#1170493) ~ adopting a rescue for it to sit, locked, for ONE YEAR.

(11/09/2015) Blacksteel Alchemist-RESCUE (#317860) ~ purchasing dogs just to retire them?
(11/12/2015) Eleanor (#1271839) ~ purchasing dogs just to retire them?
(11/15/2015)Ryanne (#1301312) ~ purchasing dogs to resell them.

Game Time

04:06pm on Mar 11

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