Shepherd kennel's

New hope Every dog should get another chance, we are here to give it to them. Welcome to New hope dog rescue. We adopt neglected, overcrowded, and sick dogs and rehome them. We work with each and every dog to never lock them. We prefer to hand care for them every day rather then locking. We train each dogs care for them by hand. We have the healthy food fro them and there pups. Every dogs is taken perfect care of for there happiness. *The Adoption* If you see a dog you like make an offer and it. When I get the message I will do a kennel check so that I know each of your dogs where cared for. I will sometimes send a question or two about you kennel. If you are a fellow rescue I will message you is you are going to re-rehome the dog. *A New hope* Some owners have to many dogs for them to handle and need to sell them. If you have a dog you can't keep you can trust the New hope rescue to find them a forever home. If you have one message us the dogs level, age, breed, and name. Then put the dog up for sale so I can retrieve him or her. *Helping find New hope* New hope is always happy to get donations for the dogs. We mostly run off ourselves but and extra help is thanked. We are looking for: Barkey bites Collars/leashes Sturdy toys FPD Bowls Beds Chews *Dogs I keep* I only keep two breeds: Border Collies and Lapponian Herders. If you would like to adopt one PM me and we can talk. Thank you

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04:09pm on Mar 11

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