About me:
I'm a 24 year-old woman from Argentina (in South America). My real language is Spanish, but I've studied English for ten years.
I'm a Veterinary student. I decided I wanted to be a vet when I was 6 years old. My inspiration was my 12 years old Pekingese (RIP my baby. You'll always be in my heart. I love you).
I have a 3 year-old Golden Retreiver called Zoe, and two 18 year-old turtles called Willy and Kimberley.
Some of my other passions are: movies (I can spend all day watching them), video games, volleyball and last, but not least Twilight (both the movies and the books).
My fursonas:
My characters:
Jeremy, Moonlight, Shadow, Snowflake, Scarlet & Addison
Twilight's tags:
Jasper's tags:
Zafiro's tags:
Other tags: