Credit to Player #1426218
Hello!! I'm glad you stopped by. Keep reading for details on rescues, adoptions, and boarding!
Adoptions: The dogs up for adoption are from the HS or given to me because they couldn't be taken care of. All dogs are put up for adoption when they are level 5. If you see a dog in my Rescues/Adoptions Kennel that is not yet level 5 and you would like to request it go ahead! (Reserving a pet is an additional 500 which should be PMed to me before adoption) After purchasing dogs from me please
DO NOT RESELL THEM! If you no longer want them please transfer them back to me.
All dogs will be up for adoption for 1,000 regardless of health. PM me with questions!
Boarding: Is your kennel overcrowded? Do you have dogs that you don't want to sell but can't take care of? Then boarding at ChOcOlAtE Rescue Kennel is for you! PM me to notify me that you're interested and transfer your dog(s) you want to be boarded to me! I charge :
100 per day for any time below a week
600 per week for any time below a month
2,500 per month any time below a year
If you leave your dog with me for over a year I will PM you to remind you to take your dog back. If you don't answer within a week, your dog is no longer boarding and will be put in the Rescue/Adoption kennel and put up for adoption.
Rescues: If you no longer want a dog for good, I will accept all dogs you don't want that I have room for. Please PM me to notify me before transferring said dogs. My rates are:
500 per dog under 5 dogs
250 per dog under 10 dogs
150 each over 10 dogs
Thanks for your support! :) Donations are very helpful and are welcomed :)

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