Drastic Dreams and Radioactive Realities Kennels

Hello! Welcome! Currently I just started a week or so ago (Around two weeks now), I'm currently trying to get my dogs to level 40 before breeding them. I currently have two breeding pairs of: Pembroke Welsh Corgis-->34 levels left to breed Australian Shepherds-->35 levels left to breed German Shepherds-->24 levels left to breed Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs-->34 levels left to breed Siberian Huskies-->34 levels left to breed Alaskan Malamutes-->35 levels left to breed I am hoping to add more dogs soon! Once I can start breeding these dogs I will begin working with litters and such, in the mean time I'm just working on building up my kennel and trying to get the cash to take care of my dogs. I'm always looking for breeding pairs, so if you have a pair that are of good-excellent quality (Higher level preferred but not a necessity.) then give me a shout! :D Litters to come: None yet, no breeding pairs of level! Come back soon! Current projects: Working on building up level and kennel and earning some cash! Art Projects: None Currently Coming soon!: -Art Project-> May be art cards, or families with litters, not sure yet! Will be for sale. -Litters & Breeding Program -Better Kennel -More Competitions<--Bigger Kennel space

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03:32pm on Mar 15

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