Ashbury Kennels

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Ashbury Kennels: WRLK


Direct to my Kennels
Welcome to Ashbury Kennels. I am focusing mainly on a quality kennel of Giant Schnauzers with a smaller group of Bloodhounds and Finnish Lapphunds. I'm usually on here daily during the mornings in Mountain Time Zone- two hours behind FP. I may be on and off through out some days. Holidays and days off I may only be on to take care of dogs and dailies early. If whole kennel is (rarely) locked, I'm too lazy or busy to get on.

My goal is to bring pairs of store dogs up to par (ages 98/110) before breeding to get my own good lines. I'm working with stats starting with at least Good to improve. I hope to have all Excellent dogs with high multipliers in the long term. I will try to train them all in the Aptitude which their best stats are in, otherwise in the best stat choice with Aptitude. I'm going for HHs/lalas before seriously tackling aptitude stats/boosts. Occasionally, I will breed out for variety and improvement. Basically I'm breeding through generations slowly, improving each time. In my mind, breeding like can mimic real life methods to my understanding.

My main breed kennel will home my forever locked personal dogs, not just family dogs, that I have owned or currently own.

Any advice is always appreciated. . . I don't bite. As a Newbie Helper, I'm also here to answer FP related game questions to the best of my ability. I am open to friend requests. However, "inactive" friends will be removed after so long.

Breed Goals
Giant Schnauzers: 24HH- lala- All Colors- Schutzhund

Bloodhounds: 24HH- lala- Black w/ Red P.; Chocolate w/ Red P.; Red w/ Chocolate S.- Tracking

Finnish Lapphunds: 24HH- lala- All Colors- Herding

I've Got Quality Giant Schnauzers on Furry- I've Got Quality Bloodhounds on I've Got Quality Finnish Lapphunds on Furry-

About Me

I am a 25 yr. old straight woman. Just this January I have been going through a divorce and will likely be in a hiatus mode off & on. I live in Wyoming, though born in California. Unfortunately, I lost both my parents and an "aunt" (mom's best friend from 16yrs. old and lived with us) from 18-22 years old.
I have eight tattoos including two on my neck (one being the SPN anti-possesion), and have had 20+ piercings starting with my lip when I was 11. My mom was fine with signing as I only went to the same piercer until I was 20 and have a great relationship with her. Now I only have my snake bites, septum, industrial, and 6 "regular" ear piercings. I love to binge watch like SPN, Scooby-Doos, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Archer, The Librarians, Doctor Who...shows with a certain "feeling". I am basically coffee with a smidge of blood left, I enjoy video games, pizza (with pineapple- never ham or mushrooms), and recoloring line art.
I also grew driving a manual (a hand-me down '89 Ford F150 which I custom painted). I had to even teach many of my friends, mostly because they either didn't have a care or a cheap first one. It got to a point in my life that I forgot how to drive and automatic lol...seriously borrowed a friend's car while he re-worked my frame and it took like 5 tries to put it in reverse between Drive/Neutral/Park lol.
I have had multiple animals through out my life; at least 2 horses, handful of fish, kangaroo mice, horny toads, 20+ cats, 10+ dogs. I now have only two dogs and a cat. I had Copper as my sister picked out his little brother, and I got him by chance. Turtle was a fluke find. I had puppy fever for when Copper passes as I knew eventually I would always have a dog... well hubby (then still boyfriend) took it upon himself. Same with our cat, I was shown a picture and a few days later I get a call about what a cat needs.

Layout Designed By: Oliver #537488 | Dog (c) Nev Lemar Barbara @ wikimedia | BG (c) CC0 Creative Commons | Manip By: DeadHead #1267480


Best of...

Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 9x) 07/27/16
Top 20 Giant Schnauzers 07/27/16
Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 16x) 08/05/16
Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 1x) 08/12/16
Best of Breed (English Shepherd 3x) 09/07/16
Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 5x) 09/27/16
Best of Breed (Bloodhound 5x) 10/07/16

Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 9x) 01/28/17
Best of Breed (Bloodhound 1x) 01/30/17
Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 6x) 02/03/17
Top 20 Giant Schnauzers 02/07/17
Best of Breed (Giant Schnauzer 19x) 07/26/17
Best of Breed (Bloodhound 9x) 08/03/17
Best of Breed (Bloodhound 2x) 08/05/17
Best of Breed (Old English Sheepdog 3x) 08/05/17
Top 20 Giant Schnauzers 08/07/17
Best of Breed (Bloodhound) 11/15/17

*Only 101+/retired dogs have count.

Tag Art


My Real Furs


Copper: My old pup, the English Shepherd, brought home about 15 years ago from Humane Society. My sister has his brother, Toby. We believe they were about one when we adopted them. He's always my shadow and up for anything. I never have to worry about him getting into anything. He's even picking up on hand commands as his hearing is starting to go. Sadly as of this fall, Copper is mentally deteriorating...I'm not sure how long he'll enjoy life. He already has a heart murmur, trouble jumping up & down, gets muscle spasms, and light seizures. I just hope one day he doesn't wake up from his sleep rather than myself make that choice.

Turtle: Copper's shadow, the Miniature American Shepherd, brought home from breeder in state at 10 weeks in April 2015. Was originally named Cash as in Johnny, but once we actually got him home and settled...well took him a few tries to get off his back when sunk in cushions as well as the crawling. He also was supposed to be the pup to fill in Copper's paws once he passed, but I have a loving husband who saw I had puppy fever and looked on his own. We're gonna need another pup though; Turtle has never been on his own and will be devastated too. Until that happens, he has the cat to play with.

Milo: The shorthair that was brought home on a whim. I was shown a picture of two kittens and liked the gray one (he has one white patch on his belly which I didn't see until I got him). Recently we moved into town, and while he'll always be an indoor cat, he's fixed yet still can be a demon spawn; not sure due to what, he's a cat after all lol. He's not fond of the doors and people noise/scents so no worries about running out the door for now- he will warm up to you eventually.


Current pictures taken September 2017.


Game Time

06:29pm on Mar 31

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