Riptide's Virtual Companions

Welcome to Reptide's Virtual Companions kennel! This kennel's dedicated to my german shepherd Riptide. Once you look into my kennel you'll notice that I bought a virtual german shepherd that I named after him XP but of course, the website got his colors wrong, since he actually has pure black fur in real life. I adopted Riptide a few years back when he was just a cute little black ball of fur from the local shelter! They told me all about his story being that somebody called them one day to report hearing whimpering noises near their house. They found him nearly dead inside an abandoned garage but they were able to get him back into good shape :3 So in this kennel, are a number of dog breeds that I absolutely love and am thinking about getting one of them sometime in the near future :D

Game Time

08:40pm on Feb 1

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