Icky Sticky

hello! you can call me squid! i'm a 25 year old collage drop out who spends way too much time online. i currently live in Colorado with my boyfriend Eric, my two corgis Clue and Obi and my kitten Pigeon.

My house is too small for all these animals and it stresses Eric out but I can't help but want more!

I don't do a lot during my free time these days. I work full time and am typically pretty tired when I get home but...

I love collecting things. I'm a real hoarder in the making. I watch a lot of movies and some TV. My boyfriend really loves anime so we watch that together sometimes. I enjoy reading but don't have as much time for it as I once did. I'm actually kind of boring. i'm friendly though!

I love playing games! again, i struggle to find the time to do so, but in my house hold we currently have a Nintendo 64, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and two Nintendo 3Ds. I really hope to get a Wii U soon. I mostly play PC games though.

I'm not completely useless though. I have maintained a full time job for over a year now in a position I worked part time in for four years before then. So basically I've been at the same job for about five or six years now, I just got promoted a year ago! I really have a love hate relationship with my job. While I sometimes enjoy what I do and the people I meet, I don't really like my boss and it'd really hard working FOR and with people you don't like. But that's the real world, right?

I work with Olympic figure skaters though, which is pretty cool! I see a lot of cool things and know a lot of neat people. So... Feel free to ask me more about my job if you want. i'd be glad to chat about it.

anyway, i just joined FP. I'm here for the artists mostly! I also like playing bingo. :'3

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09:05am on Mar 20

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