Nothin' but Trouble

“The best trick Hell has to play against its inmates is to whisper to them that this, this now, is the bottom. Nothing can be worse than this. And then to pull the floor away”

I've Got Quality Rottweilers on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Malteses on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Staffordshire Bull Terriers on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Kelpies on

I'm Australian (12-13 hours ahead of FP time)


  • I will stud any male of my active breeds. Even if he's not listed for studding.
  • If you use my studs and no longer want the puppy(ies), I will buy them back for the price of the stud fee.
  • For Elite accounts, as an option, I am willing to return the stud fee in exchange for my choice of SPOL puppy from the litter.
  • For non-Elite accounts, I am open to doing the breeding on my account. Giving you the same option of a return of the stud fee in exchange for SPOL puppy. The litter will be cared for every day and will be gene tested, vaxed and apptitude tested.

For quick reference

Rottweilers: lala intint strstr CC Schutzhund (no tanpoints and does not carry cch)

Maltese: lala intint agiagi Agility

Staffys: Breeding for - lala strstr agiagi 24HH Dock Diving

Kelpies: Breeding for - lala stmstm intint 24HH Herding

Game Time

11:29pm on Mar 9

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