Lovely Kennel

(StormTail is leading her friend, Spirit to a little spot in her backyard, shielded by the trees. She has no idea what is going on.) Spirit: And we are here for? StormTail: You'll see! (StormTail pulls a long black curtain off of a large shape. Lena stares in awe) Storm: Whaddya think? Spirit: Wooow... What is it?! Storm: What do you mean "What is it?!" Its a Dog Kennel! What does it look like to ya?! (Spirit Shrugs. Storm grumbles and cross her arms.) Spirit: It could be better. Lemme help you make it better. Spirit helps StormTail create lovely kennels and in return, Storm helps Spirit control her roleplaying guild ^-^ I tried

Game Time

04:22am on Mar 4

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