
Hi my name is Celeste and im in middle school. I have 3 cats and a dog, 1 of my cats name is Tornado he is a boy and all gray he is a Russian blue idk how old he is cause we rescued him from the streets , my other cat is Ari and she is our only girl pet and she is a darker tabby and very skinny and she is 5years, ANOTHER cat is Cuddlez he is a boy and also a tabby but he is fat and he is 3years, I also have a dog named Jeffery he is a teacup Chihuahua and he is also 5years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Its hard to take care of dogs (in rl) when every1 is working all day and/or we are at school we do have a pet door for Jeffrey to use the bathroom and because our cats love the outdoors and scaring the neighbors xD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I love to talk about my pets and my life problems lol so if you ever want to chit-chat ill be happy to talk to you if I have time :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I grow up I want to be a vet because I LOVE animals and I want to save ALL of them and not have one feel unwanted and unloved because even if they are mean, ugly and unlovable creature I will still love it <3 I also want to become a musician,singer I'm learning to play the Keyboard/Piano and I think im a good singer but the sad part is that my parents wont let me find a piano teacher :( so I have to learn by myself Me & my friend Hope are starting a channel called "Hope And Courage" that is our band name it is already up and running so you can go ahead and check it out c; We will be doing some gaming maybe and some vlogs but mostly singing and dancing this channel is mostly about MUSIC but we will do some other things here and there c: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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07:19am on Mar 27

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