Hey there - call me Razz. I’m a second year in university as a harp performance major. My pronouns are she/they.
I’m a proud Sighthound breeder on here, and I specialise in Racing. My current breeding projects are breeding Italian Greyhounds with perfect genetics and high charisma stats. I hope to eventually have lines with all 16 of the Sighthound breeds here on FP. I recently restarted my multi-YEAR breeding project, switching sports from Show to Racing.
While I adore participating in the art side of FP, my current commitments outside of the game have led me to close up shop for the time being. If you'd like to check out my characters, feel free to browse my
I’ve been playing FurryPaws for a little over nine years now on various accounts. I'm online as much as I can be, but with my busy music major schedule that can be kind of touch-and-go.
Thanks for stopping by!
Notes on Breeding Project
I'm a sighthound specialist here on FP, and I'm currently working on breeding projects in two sighthound breeds: the Italian Greyhound and the Whippet. The sport "Racing", which I specialize in, values the charisma, speed, and stamina stats. Since sighthounds have charisma boosts that align with racing, that is the stat I emphasise in my kennels.
Naming Key:
Gen#Sex-Letter [Relevant Genetics Information]
Example: 1M-A [lala chacha chacha 12:10:2 EGEG Apt!]
Breed - Abbreviation
Afghan Hound - AH
Africanis - AF
Azawakh Hound - AZ
Basenji - BJ
Borzoi - BZ
Chart Polski - CP
Greyhound - GH
Ibizan Hound - IH
Irish Wolfhound - IW
Italian Greyhound - IG
Pharaoh Hound - PH
Saluki - SK
Scottish Deerhound - SD
Silken Windhound - SW
Sloughi -SL
Whippet - WI