Red Fern Kennels

Red Fern Kennels is a kennel dedicated to breeding and competing the best dogs, rare coats and lala dogs are what we aim for and we strive for excellence in all kennel dogs. Breeding with my dogs will almost always be accepted except if it is in my line of beagles which is Atlas and Zoey. Any other breeding with my males includes your female is well cared for, and if I see a particular coloring I like but you want that puppy the dogs can be bred and if you don't want any pups and I want one you can give the pup I want to me once it is weaned. Breeding with my females includes that you make must be well cared for, if you want a pup tell me or I will keep for myself. The selling of my dogs will almost never happen because the dogs of Red Fern Kennel are like a family and I have become attached to many of them although when it happens you must care for all your dogs daily and if you cannot get on for some reason lock him or her. If you cannot care for the dog anymore transfer it back for free and I will accept. I check on dogs regularly and if you let the health decline and the grooming grow bad for long long times I will message you about the dog and see what is going on. Still though don't be scared to by one of my dogs just take care of him or her and you wil have a happy puppy :D! Bidding on dogs will rarely happen but when it does it is not first come first serve even if you bid the highest I will kennel check and make sure all your dogs look good if you the highest bidder and everything looks good you may have the dog if not it goes to the next person with a good kennel. Please don't get mad if your bid is not accepted there will be others. I've Got Quality Beagles on I've Got Quality English Springer Spaniels on I've Got Quality Australian Koolies on

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10:11pm on Mar 6

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