Through Fire and Flames

Welcome, Good Friend to Heaven Guard where we breed quality Labs to your liking!

-You look around confused and wonder where the word "quality" fits in both the place and the dogs-

U-Uh. . .A-All of our Labs are specifically trained based on their strengths and had won countless competitions all around the world!

-You peered into one of the cages and saw one single certificate that says "Novice Field Trials" and began to question why you even bother to come to a kennel that sounds very convincing but very low on quality so you made your way back to the door-

W-Wait! May I interest you in some of our litters. All are socialized and--

-You closed the door with a 'thud' and immediately went back to your home, annoyed at yourself for wasting your precious time on a run-down 'kennel' that sounds more like a dog hoarder-
------- Lmao, for real tho, I'm starting my lines from scratch! Gen 1: Blaze to Glory

Game Time

06:15pm on Mar 9

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