Twin Lotus Canines

Welcome to Twin Lotus Canines, named for the Japanese lotus and the Egyptian lotus. I'm working with Kai Ken, primarily as hunters, and Pharaoh Hounds, primarily as racers.

Twin Lotus Canines

Lotus of Japan

Original Kai Ken Lineage:
Chu (Hayabusa Chuko) & Jin (Umetaro Jinko)

Second Kai Ken Lineage:
Gi (Takenosuke Giko) & Shin (Saino Shinko)

Supplementary Kai Ken Lineage:
Fu (Kosoku Fu) & Rairakku (Tsuyoi Rairakku)

Lotus of Egypt

Original Pharaoh Hound Lineage:
Sasut (Son of the Red Lands) & Takite (Daughter of the Sharp Kite)

Second Pharaoh Hound Lineage:
Sahoru (Feather From The Falcon's Wing) & Tasun (Light from the Sun's Eye)

Supplementary Pharaoh Hound Lineage:
Sarus (Steel Talon of the Hawk) & Tasky (Gold of the Gods)

Game Time

02:49pm on Feb 19

Welcome Guest

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