
Welcome to kennel Máinnas!

Here you can find a lot of different breeds although our head priority is to breed good drovers and runners. At this moment we focus on lapponian herders, bearded collies and various sighthounds.

I've Got Quality Lapponian Herders on Furry-Paws.com I've Got Quality Bearded Collies on Furry-Paws.com I've Got Quality Briards on Furry-Paws.com

Máinnas is Sami language and means fairy tale. Our prefix is Sadun and that is Finnish word meaning of fairy tale.


I try to breed my bitches two times; one litter when the bitch reaches level 20 and one litter when the bitch turns 101 FP days old. I don't use any bitch without at least two excellent health traits and if the dog has even one trait worse than good I won't breed it. The same goes with males but they are up for public breeding as soon as they reach level 20.

Usually all breeding requests for my male dogs are accepted. I won't accept requests if the bitch have poor health traits or if the player seems to not take care of their dogs.

Dogs for sale

Every now and then I have some adult dogs or puppies for sale. I don't have any requirements for the new owner but I would be happy if the dog would be taken care of. I also hope that if you buy a dog from me and don't want to keep it anymore or you are quitting the game you would offer it back to me.

If you would like to buy one of my dogs that are not for sale just message me and I promise to think about it :)

Something about me

My username rhamnoides is latin name for buckthorn. I'm 25 years old gal from Finland and I work at local pet store. At this moment I have three dogs; 9 years old lapponian herder, 5 years old english springer and 4 years old bearded collie.

Besides training dogs and working with them I also read, hike and do some witchy stuff.

PitaPata Dog tickers

Game Time

12:46am on Mar 12

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