Ruby Fire Runs
you walk up the gravel path checking your hand drawn map to make sure this is the right place, as you enter the small 12 dog kennel the only sound is a single loud bark. The dogs look at you with almost bored expressions and you begin to wonder,"Where's these guys owner?" almost as if to answer your question you hear a voice,"What do you want?" you turn to see a girl probably only 19 years old standing in the doorway the light shining through causing her red hair to look like fire startled by her sudden appearance you stutter,"um... i'm just... looking..." she snarls in a very dog like manner,"If you're here for my dogs i'd suggest leaving Sal doesn't take well to those who appear on his pack's territory without permission and while Lem is a lazy butt, when it comes to keeping his pack safe he's full of energy not to mention Cas just had T's pups." your mind spins with names and facts, and the slight hint of a threat in the girl's voice is enough to make anyones mind real, but among the fuzziness you manage to say," but the ad. In the newspaper. Aren't there for sale pups at 206 Newschester?" instantly her face changes to one of utter surprise not to mention a little shame and embarrassment,"Wait you're here for the pups?" she asks her voice genuinely curious,"Well yeah what else did you think i was here for? Dog food?" she mumbles something to herself then says,"Ever since I lost Porter in a raid i haven't trusted anyone when it comes to my dogs." she pauses as if to let that sink in,"name's Ruby by the way and i'll need verification to make sure you're here on honest business." you hold out the ad," that'll do." she silently considers you for a moment then sighs saying,"Come on the pups are in the back." as you follow her you see one of the dogs staring at you in a look of what can only be described as rage you hurry past the dog noticing his name is Sal and out the door the last thing you see of the inside of the kennel is a lever with the words "In case of robbers" taped to the wall above it and you shudder recognizing it as a dog door release lever and you can only imagine what Ruby has taught her dogs to do to robbers. Silently you make a mental note to never cross this girl in your whole life.
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