Silver American Pit Bull Kennel

Hello and Welcome to Silver Pit.

We are trying to build a kennel of American Pit Bull Terriers. So far they are doing well in Shows and we have recently bred our first 3E Puppy. She is a GEEE with 10HH. I know I have a long way to go but I think she's a good start. I don't have the cash flow to pay the $500K that folks are asking so am going about it the long way.

Sara (#1319193) was nice enough to sell us a beautiful girl (thank you very much) and she is in training to be our best puppy ever.

We just reached level 15 and put the 3rd point into Breeding so we can now breed puppies with double stats. We can also create puppy raising pamphlets. I am trying to keep a few in stock at my shop and am only charging what the paper costs me to create them. If you are ever in the need for some and I don't have any in my shop just let me know. I will be more than happy to create some, my only charge would be the cost of the paper.

I am always open to tips as well, so if you have any advice, please drop me a line.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the Silver Pit and please stop by again.

Game Time

06:36am on Mar 27

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