Garys Australian Shepherd kennels

Kennel Banner
Welcome! This is a Fancy Header

Click here to get the code for this layout!

Welcome to Garys Australian Shepherd Kennels. We are currently specializing in greyhounds and Australian shepherds. If you are interested in any dog here, feel free to msg me. Feel free to ask me any questions as well.

Test Image

Header 1

Header 2

Bold. Italic. Underline. Test Link.

The image to the right is to test the highlight feature. When you hover over it, it should be in full color. You can use this for any image by linking putting the "class=highlight" in between the "a href". If you don't actually want the image to link anywhere, just link it to "#top", which will bring you to the top of the page when clicked on.
This layout is optimized for Google Chrome and screens at 1440x900 or 1366x768.

Layout design and coding by Crestie
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Game Time

12:22am on Mar 12

Welcome Guest

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