Bel Ridge Kennel

Bel Ridge Kennel

Hi! My name is Kelly, and I'm from America.

At Bel Ridge, I am currently breeding Standard Poodles, German Shepherds, Icelandic Sheepdogs, Otterhounds and few other breeds just for fun! With most of my lines, I've started by buying any dogs I could from other players or sometimes from the Humane Society and am working to slowly improve both genetics and multipliers while keeping the colors I want.

If you also have any of these breeds and would like to sell your dogs, breed with mine, or even start a breeding program together, please let me know! I'd be totally down to work with someone as I used to have a partner for an older breed!

Most of my males are available for breeding requests and all fees are negotiable. My main females will be bred between 80 and 110 days. I aim to breed dogs with fun colors and good genes(24HH EEEE lala) and hope to get some BoB and BoS along the way!

When you send a Breeding Request, I will check your kennel and dog before accepting or declining. Please don't take it personally if I don't accept, I probably just have my own plans for the dog or they may only have a few breeding days left and I'd like to keep them locked. However, keep in mind that I may not accept the request if the dog has already been bred more than 4 times or if they are still very young. Please send me a quick message when you'd like me to unlock a dog for you to breed with as I will not automatically unlock upon accepting. With that being said, if you tell me to unlock a dog, please be prepared to complete the breeding that day so as not to waste any of their last days. (I understand if you have technical difficulties but otherwise please complete them in a timely manner)

When you place a Bid on one of my dogs for sale, I ask that you please bid what you think the dog is worth. For example, if you are bidding on a dog that is 24HH EEEE lala, I expect the bid to reflect the quality of the dog and not just be the absolute minimum. I may decide to wait until litters are 5 days old to accept bids so please be patient.

If you have any dogs that you no longer want, of any breed, feel free to send them my way!

If you see any dogs in my kennels that you are interested in, whether for breeding or to buy, let me know! I'm sure we can work something out!

Newbie Helper as of 4/6/20 :)

I've Got Quality Catahoula Leopard Dogs on I've Got Quality Standard Poodles on I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on I've Got Quality Berger Picards on I've Got Quality Icelandic Sheepdogs on

I've Got Quality Dachshunds on I've Got Quality Borzois on I've Got Quality Otterhounds on

Game Time

02:02pm on Mar 3

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