Sniffing Trails Kennel


There will be a day where my kennel is decorated and attractive, but for now it will be a simple layout.

Thank you Christi for the extra property!

Currently affiliated with Lolassie's Hope Kennels!


help.png Why do I seem so inactive for months-to-years on end and yet purchase dogs?
I don't really log on this laptop that often and when I do it's only for a few hours, a pattern obviously harmful if I were to leave these dogs unlocked. Unfortunately, until I have more time to dedicate to them, they will generally stay locked unless the events offer enough incentive. Because of this, progress I should have been at years ago have not been met. My intentions are to create high quality Beagles with dedicated notes to determine breeding paths and pairings while also focusing on colors. Some of my dogs will not have the perfect stats but they are simply the base I will be using while still keeping the high genetic values. I have numerous item stacks stashed away to help for this cause, I just don't have the dogs at their appropriate levels and age yet. One day though!

help.png What are my plans for all of these Beagles?
I once wrote that playing during the Easter 2023 Event made me want to play FP again, and I did play but that only lasted until the Phoenix 2023 Event. It seems the only incentive to unlock these dogs to play is the Easter Event. However, I do log in every day to collect the salary and check the news!
> have their boosters maxed.
> have Fame Shop items equipped.
> be bred only once in their life.
> only be allowed to breed at level 70+ with 2 or fewer poor-focused nights.
> have aptitudes to a primary sport, phasing out the 2nd sports listed below.
> keep the same naming pattern. :)

help.png Why just Beagles?
They're my favorite dog breed for numerous reasons, notably though for owning two myself. I didn't want to just stop at speed-tracking focused Beagles and seeing that there were other starred stats I decided to dabble in Beagles that focus in those stats too. It's a little hard since not a lot of charismatic and intelligent Beagles float around in the sales tab so a lot of my starter Beagles are well-bred imported and are properly tagged and noted as such. Wish me luck in this endeavor of mine!

help.png What do you do with the dogs you buy from me that aren't Beagles?
All other breeds have the endgoal of retiring at 101 days unless they are gifted dogs to which would then be locked and kept at 119 days. They'll add to my FamPs even if their purpose is spent months prior to retiring. :)

star.png Goals:
>[Every FP Beta Item] Panel Jump, Pause Table, Shooting Star, Teeter Totter, Tire Jump || Harness and Stylish Collar
>[Every Background] Agility, Earthdog, Field Trials, Herding, Racing, Show Ring, Sledding, Water Work, and Winter Barn Backgrounds.
>[Every cat, and bird] Colorpoint, Grey, Moustached, and White Persians || Emerald Hippogriff and Gold Gryphon.
> To own a level 100 dog.
> Have a pretty high multiplier. Image a 4.0 Beagle lol
> Participate in that summer event in full just once! >:(
> Worst Beagle! [no doubled stats but must include str and agi, no aptitude, LL, 24 hh, low xpm in general]

color_swatch.png Colors:
White (SlSl/Slsl)
Chocolate (bb)
Red (C)
Isabella (bb dd)
Blue (Bb dd)
Fawn (cchcch/cchce)
Cream (cece)
Black (BB/Bb)

paw.png Focused Sports:
Speed: Tracking and Agility
Stamina: Frisbee and Flyball
Charisma: Scent Hurdles and Field Trials
Intelligence: Obedience and Show
[eventually will phase out the secondary sport in generations to come.]

trophy_gold.png Achievements:
Level 20 achieved on 11/12/16
Highest level tk's in this Kennel: 85
Highest level other-prefix in this Kennel: 81

performer_gold.png Best of Breed
tk's Hour-long Shenanigans x3
tk's Questionable Actions x4
tk's Crispy Cereal x4
tk's Blue Sky x5

diversifier_gold.png Best of Sport
One day!

application_view_list.png Notes:
Breed all dogs at age 101.
Males don't gain after 101 days.
Dogs auto-retire at 120 days.
At Level 50, begin using Fame Shop items!

images.png Icons

Two Beagles looking at the camera with toys by their side.

Game Time

12:13am on Mar 12

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