Puppy Paws Kennel

Puppy Paws!


Owned by KDWolf

Puppy Paws is a breeding kennel. We only breed a dog once. Our goal is to get as many Excellent puppies sold as we can. If you have a dog you'd like to breed with one of mine tell me! Though a dog with two excelents will definitely cost you. I need supplies just as much as I need money, so you could pay for puppies or for breeding with supplies instead of money if desired.

Supplies that is Always needed.


Legacy Dog

A "Legacy Dog" is something I came up with to help me get motivated for things. These dogs will be listed here as they grow and will be my main highlighted dog. I'll post them here each time a new one is born. If you want to know more contact me.

Bailey is the Curent Legacy Dog. She is the first.


Game Time

07:05pm on Mar 3

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