
Welcome to Remnants, a registered kennel owned by Breeze. I specialize in breeds with lots of different coat potentials -- merle, dilute, what have you -- while also maintaining zero inbreeding, Excellent health, and top levels. I also grab whatever dogs I happen to find in the search at a low(ish) price and in poor(ish) condition to level up and resell.

Current breeds are Greenland Dogs, Alaskan Malamutes, Canadian Eskimo Dogs, Basset Hounds, Bearded Collies, and German Shepherd Dogs. Smaller project is the Great Danes; I love the breed IRL but I also don't want to be caring for more than 100 dogs daily.

Dogs in my kennel are preferably bred at level 10 or above except under exceptional circumstances (dogs are getting old and I want to preserve a lineage). With things going pretty well, I probably won't put any dog to stud until level 40. If you want to breed to one of my males but he's not up, just shoot me a message. I have no brain and often forget to put them up. I will also be willing to put up one of my females, but only if she's below 90 days old. Again, just message me.

Thank you for visiting. =)

Game Time

12:42pm on Mar 3

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