Welcome to
¤Sunseta Rose Kennel¤
I am currently specializing in Ibizan Hound's, Chart Polski, and West Siberian Laika.
I've tried my best to start my lines from scratch, especially my Ibizan Hounds!
I am also specializing in some miscellaneous breeds, which include Africanis, Alaskan Klee Kai, Pomeranian's, Toy Poodle's, and Standard Poodle's. These are in the misc category of my kennel because I like them, but not enough to have more than a couple of breed-able pairs at a time.
¤Achievements¤Performer Tasks to Complete:
Dogs reaching Interstellar Champion (5/50)
Diversifier Tasks to Complete:
Different breeds of dogs raised to level 20 (14/100)
Dogs in different sports reaching Advanced (9/14)
Progenitor Tasks to Complete:
Litter puppies sold to different players prior to weaning (7/40)
FreyaMy Fursona
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© ¤Manda¤ (#1354078)