Nicknames: Evie
Age: 33
Birthday:10 June
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her, they/them
Played Since: June 2005
Breed Specialties: Smooth & Rough Collies
"If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colors suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colors become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire."
The Kennel
I am currently working on re-acquainting myself with game play, as well as attempting to earn the various achievement awards. As such, I do not have specific breeding goals... yet. I am currently working with storebought lines and will be striving to achieve the highest levels possible in order to create a solid foundation for NNL Kennel. I have also imported a handful of dogs with the hope of increasing the gene pool and giving me options down the line. Though my focus is Smooth Collies, I am also working with a line of Border Collies that I carried over with me from FP Beta, Rough Collies, and have been adding additional breeds to help with breed boosts and/or reach various achievements.
Never-Never-Land is currently closed to the public. If you have specific questions regarding a current or upcoming litter, or have questions about any of our dogs, please don't hesitate to reach out via private message.
About Wizardess
In the real world, Wizardess is a licensed social worker working as a mental health clinician. She is also a semi-retired Certified Professional Dog Trainer and teaches dog sports (primarily scent work) in-person and remotely on the side. Wizardess lives with her own menagerie of animals including eight dogs and four cats, as well as rats and chickens. She trains and competes with her dogs in conformation, herding, agility, scent work, Barn Hunt, Happy Ratters, obedience, and rally, along with dabbling in a variety of other sports just for fun. She shares her life with her fiance who is her number one teammate and cheerleader in all things and that certainly includes the dogs. Wizardess enjoys writing, reading, traveling, hiking, and most everything the outdoors has to offer in her spare time. Her primary goal is to live a life that, even through all the ups and downs, young Wiz would be thrilled to have learned she would be living.

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