
Welcome to my kennel! Its a very clear rules to do great stuff in my kennel. I will accept random buddy requests to the lower levels. I am also a player helper. I work at rescuing dogs so please donate any you can spare. I will accept for money up to $5,000. I would love to breed dogs too, but I always get to keep the puppies. If you wanted to bred. Send me a letter saying witch dogs you want to bred. I some times do the banding of dogs so be sure to check and adopt them. If you wish to keep on of my dogs. I can get you one. On the price of $5,000. Just mail me witch name of the dog. Then I will bred them. Tell me the gender and the name and its all yours. I really love cookies but I will never try to get on. If these rules are boring for you, well them i'm sorry. But rules are rules. The breeding's cost 500 if the puppies are for you. I will tell you that my kennel livelife is only boring dogs. Witch are still awesome to have. My outer kennel Waterhouse is filled with rare dogs so be sure to check it out!

Game Time

10:27am on Feb 8

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