Red Fern Randoms


Hello! I am Dot. I have 3 accounts in total this, is only one of them. You may also know me as TEN (Formerly: Wolfie) or TWO (Formerly: Tree) But I am here to tell you about this account.

Currently in this account I breed many different breeds, these include:
  • Aussies
  • Samoyeds
  • Dalmations
  • Australian Cattle Dogs
  • Border Collies
  • Beagles
  • Chihuahuas

I am currently looking to add to this list! Look in my "Possible New Lines Kennels" to see what I have and then maybe pop in and message me! If you any good gene starter dogs, THAT WOULD BE GREAT!

I am first going to explain my goals for this breed. With this breed, I have already achieved 24HH lala EEEE so my goal for now is to get competition experience to at least 1.400 for them. Currently, I am just trying to level up my dogs. Hopefully I can achieve my goals soon. I will not be putting any litters for sale or dogs for that matter. No males will be for stud because I am currently trying to level up dogs and widen my variety of colors and dogs to choose from for breeding.

This breed has recently achieved mostly all Medium Litter status. Currently my goal for this dog breed is of course to get lala in all genes. Then later get 24HH lala EEEE and work on the same things for Aussies. No dogs will be put up for sale or breeding, because I most likely would not get any customers. A few litters may be put up because they have bad genes. Please keep up if I have any for sale!

Australian Cattle Dogs:
I am currently working to get lala within all recent genes with this breed. The final goal of course is 24HH lala EEEE with high competion experience of course though. I do allow people to buy these dogs and breed with them. None of them currently are, but PM me if you want someone for breeding. Litters that have bad genes will be sold. Please keep up if I have any for sale!

Ah! One of my newest breeds. The current status on these wondrous pooches is that they all have 24HH lala EEEE, but they have very, very poor competition experience! Therefore, I am currently leveling them up to hopefully get them ready for a high level breeding at ages 98 and 110. Anyway, final goal for these dogs is not going to be any color preference. But I want my dogs having 1.500 + and then I plan to SELL THE PUPPIES OF LATER LITTERS! Keep updated! They will have the best genes.

Border Collies:
These beautiful dogs have some very pretty colors yes they do! I have earned 24HH lala EEEE with a pretty good competition experience but still needs some work. I am in love with brindled and roaned coats of BC. They are absolutely astonishing. Therefore, while working on higher CE, I will work for the patterns Brindle and Roaned. Puppies from this breed will not be sold.

Working to add!

Working to add!

Next, is my rescue part of the kennel.
In this section of my kennel, we have over 75 rescues that need adopting. Some may have horrible genes, but some may even be 24HH! Make sure to check! (If you msg me right now and say "creeper saw this and wants a prize!" I will personally send you 50k because you are reading my about)

Now, let's talk about another area in my kennel! Critters!
I have many different and all except two, are kept in a pasture. The two kept in my inventory is the Sparrow and Blackbird. Nothing to interesting. Let's talk about my "Critters" One first.
"Critters": This pasture is used for the critters that aren't sold for much. Maybe $100,000 at most. Because they are so cheap, I usually do end up getting the most common versions of the Mean Cats and Hamsters. So I have a little place for the set in my kennel. I also have 1 persion, the snakes, and the birds. Not much to talk about for this pasture.

STwMD Prefix:
I promise to take care of this dog every day and only lock if direly needed. Any dog retired before 120 days, doing so will result in a block and permanent ban from Stwes. If this dog is female, it will only be bred twice in its lifetime, males do not apply to this. I agree that if I am not able to or seen not taking care of this dog, or breeding more then twice, I will give the dog back to Stwes, with no complaint. I will not sell for anymore then I bought for, and if I accidentally do, I will give 25% of the profit to STwes. I understand that there will be daily to weekly check-ins, which may or may not be through a message, or just dogxpert1 looking at the dog. After the first month (30 days), the dog will fully belong to me, and I agree to follow these rules during the 30 days. By saying that I agree, I know, and understand that I am automatically are under these rules for that dog. I agree to the following warnings if any of these rules are broken:

First warning: verbal
Second warning: cannot request a litter being bred
Third warning: cannot take a pup from a current litter
Fourth: one month ban
Fifth: permanent ban


My chars:

Bird Haven: Phoenix


Phoenix is a young bald eagle. Her parents drowned in the lake next to her nest. Finally hunger drove to try to fly. She jumped from the nest but her flying truned to falling, luckily she was saved by Zeus.

Fox Oasis: Ginger, Firebringer, & Zorro



Ginger is a fox that is more to herself than anything. She currently is on the road to the mountains and one fox is making an unusual apprentice in her life, Lucas. He is the only one able to make her at least simi happy.





Dog Utopia: Pepper


Pepper is a wolf-dog and she seems weird and mean when you first meet her. She jumped on dogs in their sleep (lol) and tends to get angry when dogs spy on her or just be plain weirdo. Although, she made a exception for one weirdo, Sparky. The love of her life.

Cat Lodge: Bluestar


Bluestar is a quiet adult she-cat. (You can tell I love the Warriors, lol) She feels alone a lot with other cats. Not a lot notice her, but one cat did, Hollen. He was the first to show any kind of interest in Bluestar.

Horse Plains: Gunner & Sweetroot


Gunner is a very enthusiastic stallion. He just found out his mate Willow was having a foal! How could he not. He's a pretty nice guy, although can be a little insensitive when it comes to certain things.


Sweetroot is a very experienced healer. She is calm in the face of destruction but is also curious. She is a very mindful mare.

Bear Cove: Kallik


Game Time

11:44pm on Mar 5

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