Hope's Haven Breeding Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!

Hi! *waves* My name is Sara, (obviously). I'm am trying really hard to figure out to specialize my kennel, so if you know, PLEASE send me a message. That would be awesome!
Now. About my kennel. I used to have a ton of German Shepherds, but the my account changed and with it the setup changed. (knowledge, anybody?)Now It's harder to get my dogs set up with the stuff they need, so I stopped playing for a while, and my dogs all retired. Now That I'm back to playing at a regular pace, I have a couple of dogs.
Oh yeah... Does anyone know why the setup changed? My sister got an account & it is the way I personally liked it, but the setup for my account is different. Like, I have to assign items to my dogs from my inventory. I really don't like that. Also, when I'm in one of my dog's place (whatever you call it) and I want to see their stuff, I'm dropped down to their items, Instead of there being a tab that changes. Ahhhhh!
Sorry. I'm rambling too much about my problems and too little about my actual kennel. I will stop now. 'Cause trust me, nobody's gonna want to read this mess.
Sara Out.

Game Time

10:11pm on Mar 6

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