Pits Kennels

Welcome to my kennel! I will be getting lots of dogs but I will have six of each dog breed that I chose so right know I am focused in getting two more American Pit Bull Terriers and then I will move on to the next breed that i chose. There will not be a even amount of boys or girls for one breed because I am only going to have five of each so that means that there could be three girls and two boys or the other way around it really doesn't matter though. I don't really care how many boys and how many girls I have for one breed all I know is that I want five dogs for one breed and you guys who visit my kennel can leave names for the dogs and breeds that you think would be good in for my kennel and I will try to look at them. If you want a specific breed or gender to have a specific name then you can just tell me but if it's a breed that I already have six dogs for I will have a litter of that specific breed and gender and name the one of the puppies with the name that you wanted and you guys can have the puppy or you can just pick a different breed.

Game Time

12:06pm on Feb 27

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