Hatcher Pass Hounds

Ok, looks like I'm not going to be able to be on much, sorry about that. I am trying to get on more, but apparently life has almost started back up again after our lovely COVID break. When am I/was I on? Your guess is as good as mine, so good luck trying to contact me XD.

I've Got Quality Bluetick Coonhounds on Furry-Paws.com

Breeding Bluetick Coonhounds (I started over a year ago and I'm on Gen 4. XD)

Working on achievements

If you would like a dog that is not for sale, please message me.

Thank you so much and if you have any tips/comments/questions I would love to hear from you.

Notes (for me):

Puppies sold to other players (4/20):
1) Robotic Chicken
2) Rowzie
3) Seoul
4) grace (#1286366)

Litters w/quality >200 breeds: (2/5) Cocker Spaniel, Pug

-Best litter genes to worst litter genes: lala - Lla - lla - LL - ll With HH and hh count, worst is usually most hh
Gen-1: No Fairs, no all GGGG, no more than 5hh Gen-2: No more than 4hh Gen-3: No more than 3hh Gen-4: No more than 2hh Gen-5: No more than 1hh Gen-6: No less than 10 HH, no l Gen-7: No less than 15 HH, no l Gen-8: No less than 20 HH, No L, no l Gen-9: first 24HH, lala pup?! :D
Possible 24 HH
Irish terrier
Taiwan (no brindles)
Redbone Cnhnd?
Norwegian Buhund

Dogs to get:
Alaskan Klee Kai-Athabaskan
Belgian Laikenois- Glory bound
Brussels Griffon-Sprout
Brindle dog-Brindle-wald
Canaan Dog-Joshua
Irish Setter-O'Sullivan/Danielson
English Springer Spaniel-Rosie
Greek Harehound- Greek gods
Clumber Spaniel-Cucumber Lumber
Nowergian Elkhound-Mary Ellen
Irish Terrier-Notre Dame

Hobbit Dogs(dwarves is one and LOTR is one): each dwarf Merry/Frodo/Bilbo/Pippin Gandalf/Radaghast/Saruman Legolas/Elrond/Galadriel Misty Mountains/Concerning Hobbits Greek gods gen: Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aries, Demeter, Hades, Zeus (all of thems) should be 12 Hercules, (+some) Mountains Animals(creative) (Moose's Tooth/Bear's Claw/Raven's Feather/Wolf's Howl/Fox's Eye) Latin- one gender=verb, other=noun litter=canis vidit XD

Game Time

03:42pm on Mar 25

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