Extinction Kennel Grounds

Smooth Fox Terriers 1,517 77% Active 88 Highest Reached Level Border Terrier 1,520 78% Active 78 Norfolk Terrier 1,528 77% Active 80

Welcome To Extinction Kennel Grounds.

At Extinction Kennel Grounds, We specialize in the TOPLEAST POPULAR DOG BREEDS. We are currently looking to work on Smooth Fox Terriers and Norfolk Terriers.

I Am Looking For A Sponsor!!

::What I Do::
I am a beginning artist, so I am looking to better my artwork and possibly use it to help me advance further in this game! I also LOVE the breeding aspect of it and strive to make 4E 24HH dogs. I also like looking for bargains and reselling items. I look for new ways to make profit. My kennel is based off of the lower populated dog breeds. I show my dogs every day.

::What I Am Striving For::
I want to definitely become elite and eventually sponsor someone else who is specializing on unpopular breeds. I also want to better my art and possibly become a known player. I want to make a LOT of friends a long the way. I also want to look into genetics.

::What I Expect::
I do not, in any way, expect any kind of hand outs! I mainly am searching for a very advanced or elite player to waste their time showing me the ropes into creating a fantastic kennel! I also want to learn how to create layouts and character arts and such. I do have a child and work at a veterinary office, so I will need that taken into consideration but I am online everyday! If I DO receive FPP or FPD as extreme awards, I will want it to be as a reward for achievements and such.


I am currently doing all my breeding with Miza #110 and definitely recommend her for services. I currently am NOT looking to sell my puppies, but I may be willing to for the correct price! If you are interested in getting either a SMOOTH FOX TERRIER or a NORFOLK TERRIER, please message me!

Game Time

03:08pm on Feb 7

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