HiTimes Kennels

Hey! The name's Sophie. I live in the tropical paradise of Minnesota with my three Havanese, with whom I compete in conformation, agility, and rally. In addition to my Havs, I've handled Afghans, Goldens, Flat Coats, Spanish Water Dogs, and Gordons in the breed ring and in agility. I look forward to starting my Havanese breeding program within the next few years (though I also have plans to eventually add Afghans, Spanish Water Dogs, Schapendoes, and Bearded Collies to the household...you could say I like hair ;) ).

My Furry Paws game involves, before anything else, breeding for myself. I will very rarely sell dogs from my breedings. My favorite breeds to dabble with in the game are my Beardies, Afghans, and Kelpies, but more recently I have turned focus to my English Cockers, Shelties, Poms, and Whippets. I also have an Azawakh breeding program where I am working to breed a nice Azawakh from the ground up, starting with first generation dogs. It's been an interesting lesson in genetics, attempting to improve with each subsequent generation. I am still in the process of getting to the point of consistently breeding EEEE dogs, with 20-24 HH being the goal after that happens. Because I'm solely focusing on that solid genotype, I breed a lot and hope to improve XP once I've achieved a consistently pretty genotype. I work in a few other breeds here as well, but the aforementioned 8 are my most valued.

While I don't often sell dogs, I do offer the majority of my dogs across all qualities up for public stud. Azawakhs are not offered at stud as they are for my use only. I keep stud prices affordable based on quality, and I accept all requests (something that doesn't align with my breeding views in real life, promise). If I have a dog locked and forget to unlock when I accept a breeding request, please send me a gentle reminder message. If you request breedings on multiple studs to the same bitch, I will only accept the request for the higher priced stud. If I accept a breeding request then later see you have bred to another stud, I will be less likely to accept your future requests. If you request I unlock a stud and then do not complete the breeding by the end of the day, that stud will be locked immediately at midnight FP time and I will reject future requests from you.


Game Time

05:09am on Mar 12

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