The Galactical Kennel

Welcome to my Kennel. My name is Rosie and here's a bit about this place: 1 - I've owned 4 dogs. (in order, Wreble (Cocker Spaniel Mix, black, mutt, he died from a tumor. We had him since before I was born, he died around 2014-2015.), Blue (Great Dane, blue-grey, he was abused by teens and almost attacked my older brothers. We gave him away around 2008), Angel (Golden Retriever, almost white, we gave her away around 2010-2011.), and Jax (Great Dane, mainly black, white chest and paws. He was the runt of his litter, but from the first litter of his mother. Born under a shed (not lying). He's still alive, but he did bite my little bro in the ear.) I'm on the quest to get exact or close online versions of my dogs. I do miss them a lot, and I would be happy if I could get them on here. (Wreble is currently on, I am on the way to get the others... slowly.) 2 - Most of the names of the dogs in this kennel will be random letters put together. I can pronounce them, but others may not. I will try to put a key to pronounce their names, but if I don't, then I'm busy. 3 - My specialty is going to be either Vet, Competitor, or Breeder. I'm not sure which yet. Maybe Vet since that WAS my dream when I was younger, but I also enjoy breeding things. (more shall be added here later when I have the time. c: )

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01:28pm on Mar 12

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