Saarloos WolfDogs Pack

A wild pack of Saarloos Wolfdogs approch you. They eye you in confusion. They start yipping, barking and short howling to each other. You can't help but wonder what they are talking to each other about. Some of them start to bare their teeth, the others role over or lay down. You try to pet one that's laying down, but a growling male nips you! You jump back in fright and look at your wound, it's just a small scratch. You check the genders of all the dogs. Growling ones are male and the others are female or pups. A small female walks up to you and licks your scratch. The males stop and relax. You have become part of their pack! They all howl and when they stop they look at you wondering why you didn't howl to. Why didn't you howl? They no longer think of you as a pack member just a friend. You wonder which of them are the alpha's. Stick around and learn about them and you'll find out! (read their discripion)

Game Time

12:29pm on Mar 6

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