Rafaela Oliveira's Kennel

Whoever wants a dog from one of the litters just ask please. Prior to weaning would be preferred. Names for dogs Abalan Nusha Nonder Azure Fox Keta Emerald Strife Fyx Kougo Poumzie Nightrizer Keyblade Abbas Shade Shadow Dumari Mushymutt Cari Skoit Fritter Glory NightRider Trouble Raining MorningGlory Discord Harmony Skull Tree Whisper Panacea WaveRider Windigo Flash Kaisuke Mel Honey Guard Pride Brave Lance Wolf Owl Wisdom Chibli Skyrore Goldenblaze Abazi Alan Red Cinderstone Clayone Calene Raveen Yulon Yokon Pez Nozzi Ancor Falco Aspen Skunk Sheep Sabena Patteo Kenlee Pan Baloo Zodia Spense Briar Marlee Jinx Dream Mare Fearless Valor Artful Gallent Agile Titan SLy Regal Cunning Fleet Bolt Sky Strider Thorn Windrider Swift StrongHide Nut Mud Star Leaf Berry Twig Loyal.Acorn Alvin Asia Audi Bagel Balou Barclay Barney Beck Bellatrix Bianca Biloxi Birdie Biscuit Blanca Bobbafett Bodie Bono Booboo Bootsie Bordeaux Brandy Bren Bronco Bruin Bubbles Buffy Burt Butler Button Calvin Candy Carter Cece Cessa Chandler Chaucer Chevy China Choochoo Cisco Claire Cleopatra Clooney Coco(nut) Connor Cosmo Crosby Cupcake Daisy Donovan Dulus Dutch Ebony Ed Elton Elwood Ernie Faith Faya Felix Fig Fiona Foxy Fritz Fuse Giblet Gibson Gingi Goofy Graysen Greystoke Guinness Hershey Holly Honey Huck Finn Hudson Hutch Ike Indira Iris Ivory Jade Jasmine Jasper Jazzy Jeeves Jenna Jenne Joy Kai Kalua Kaly Kassie Kaya Keanna Keesha Keiko Kiefer Kingston Koby Kona Laguna Landon Larissa Lefty Leia Lexi Lil’bit Lilypie Linus Logan Lola Luca Lucy Luke Madonna Malble Malibu Margo Marshmellow Marti Max Maya Meadow Mercedes Merlot Merry Mia Midnight Midori Mika Milan Mira Mischa Mitzi Moby Mochi Monet Monkey Mooshie Mozart Mr Big Muggles Mulder Mulligan Murphy Mylo Nanda Nate Nell Niana Nico Noodle Nugget Olive Onyx Otis Owen Ozzie Paddington Paisley Paris Parker Paulie Pazzo Peanut Pearl Pepper Persia Pesci Phoenix Picasso Pinot Pipsie Pixie Porche Quattro Ramona Redford Reece Rico Robin Hood Rocco Rocky Romeo Roxie Rufus Rusty Scotty Scout Shadow Shaggy Shane Shaq Sheba Silas Skip Skitty Skyler Smitty Snooky Snoopy Sookie Spark Sprite Stitch Strsky Sugar Summer Sunny Sushi Sweetpea Syrah Tallulah Tango Tank Tanner Tatertot Theo Tibbs Timber Tink Toast Toffee Tonka Vegas Wednesday Wilbur Willow Winnie Wolfie Yoshiko Zach Zara Zeke Zelda Zeppelin ZsaZsa

Game Time

12:13am on Mar 12

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