Essy-G's Kennel

Hello again, everyone. I remember when I remade an account on here after a bout of nostalgia plaguing my every waking moment, making me desperate to revisit the sites of my childhood. FP really has come a long way, and it's cool seeing how everything's developed, and retrieving my old main account as a separate side account was really cool, but I just don't know. . . I'm tyring to stay motivated to play, but I'm losing interest in the site again. I feel bad admitting it, too. I'm just in a weird state right now, I guess. I haven't really decided if I am or am not leaving just yet, but I may go on another hiatus until I can make up my mind. If my hiatus doesn't end then . . . I guess I left. Til then, mulling the future of my account over.

Game Time

07:04pm on Feb 2

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