Dawn And Dusk

Dawn's Commissions Heading

Hello! Welcome to my 2024 commissions page. These will be open for most of the year, with a few short breaks.


- I have the right to refuse service to anyone - I will not draw NSFW or excessive gore (If you're unsure whether something falls under those two categories, pm me ^^) - If you buy a design from me, don't resell it for more than you bought it for unless more art is acquired. - Don't claim my art as your own - Don't remove my signature (or any other signature that may be on there in the case of bases) - If your art is not completed within a month or for some reason I cannot complete it, you will be issued a full refund - If you're not satisfied with your order, please tell me!! I'll happily make any changes you want <3>


For the sake of my own sanity, I have two slots open at a time. *This is subject to change* One person = one slot

1. 2.


I currently don't have any bases up! Check back later <3>

headshots Headshot example 1 Headshot Example 2

Prices Symmetrical Headshot - 3 FPP Non-Symmetrical Headshot - 3 FPP Complex Character (dm me if unsure) - +1 FPP Shading - +1 FPP Simple background - +1 FPP Complex background - +2 FPP Add-Ons - Free!

Form Username/ID: Link to Ref: Symmetrical or Not: Expression: (optional) Shading (y/n): Background: Other: Total Cost:

busts Bust example 1 Bust example 2

Prices Symmetrical Bust - 3 FPP Non-Symmetrical Bust - 3 FPP Complex Character (dm me if unsure) - +1 FPP Shading - +1 FPP Simple background - +1 FPP Complex background - +2 FPP Add-Ons - Free!

Form Username/ID: Link to Ref: Symmetrical or Not: Expression: (optional) Shading (y/n): Background: Other: Total Cost:

fullbodies Fullbody example 1 Fullbody example 2

Prices Basic Fullbody - 6 FPP Complex Character (dm me if unsure) - +3 FPP Shading - +2 FPP Extra Character - +4 FPP Simple background - +1 FPP Complex background - +2 FPP Add-Ons - Free

Form Username/ID: Link to Ref: Expression: (optional) Pose: Shading (y/n): Background: Other: Total Cost:

ref sheets ref sheet example 1 ref sheet example 2

All ref sheets include the characters name, breed, gender/pronouns (opt.), eye colour (opt.), nose colour (opt.), tongue colour (opt.), paw colour(s)(opt.), and a colour palette (opt.)

Prices One-sided Ref Sheet - 10 FPP Double-sided Ref Sheet - 15 FPP Complex Character (dm me if unsure) - +1 FPP Extra headshot - +3 FPP Complex background (ex. scenery) - +2 FPP Companion/Plushie - +1 FPP Other - Ask!

Form Username/ID: Link to Character: Single or double: Pose (opt.): Background: Extra things on the ref (Headshot, plushie, etc.): Other notes: Total Cost:

designs design example litterpup example

Prices for a Custom Design Moodboard/Colour Palette Design on F2U Lines - 5 FPP Moodboard/Colour Palette Design on Custom Lines - 8 FPP Make it a simple one-sided ref sheet (custom lines only) - +2 FPP Other - Ask!

Form Username/ID: Link to moodboard/Colour Palette: F2U Lines or custom: Breed: Gender: Any specific markings you would like: Turn it into a ref (y/n): (Only on custom lines) Other: Total Cost:

Prices for a Litterpup Single-Sided Ref - 15 FPP Double-Sided Ref - 20 FPP Extra Headshot - +3 FPP Other (plushie/companions/etc.) - Ask!

Form Username/ID: Parent Names: Link to Parent 1: Link to Parent 2: Theme for the litter/pup: Personality: (opt.) Specific Markings: (opt.) Pose (opt.): Background: Extra things on the ref (Headshot, plushie, etc.): Other notes: Total Cost:

pickups ^ Click above to find your order ^

rate me Please consider rating me by clicking the image above

Game Time

11:01am on Mar 20

Welcome Guest

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