Young Gun Kennel

Welcome to Young Gun Kennels! I'm Skylar and let me explain what I do! :D I will breed German Shepherds, Tibetan Mastiffs and Doberman Pinschers. I previously had Pitbulls, Huskies and Manchesters, but these had all proved to be too much of a diversity and I am now only producing three singular breeds. But... knowing me, you'll probably see some Rottweilers or a few Pitbulls running around... >.< Either way, our goal at YGK, is to produce and sell dogs of quality that are above level 10 and hit (at LEAST) 3 excellent marks and have 17HH. If you are worried about anything or are confused on anything we do here, please don't feel afraid to send a message, it may take a while to be replied, but it will be done as soon as possible! **ALL DOGS FOR SALE WILL BE LOCKED AND HAVE NO ITEMS! ALL PUPPIES WILL BE 'RESERVED' BY MYSELF AND RAISED - YOU MAY ''PLACE A RESERVE'' UPON THE PUP, BUT IF A HIGHER OFFER IS GIVEN, YOU WILL BE GIVEN A WEEKS NOTICE BEFORE THE OTHER PLAYER IS GIVEN THE RIGHTS TO THE PUP!** Anubis out! ~

Game Time

02:31am on Feb 12

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